# 27 Make your own dream

(c) Terry Floyd Johnson, 2014


Dreams are wild, wicked, pure, angelic, and anything else you can think of, but we usually are depending on our unconscious/subconscious to build on whatever thought we’re having- whether we’re sleeping or dozing. 

Make you own dreams, does none of that- in make your own dreams you do just that- you set down with pen and paper; you make up your own dreams, by trusting your feelings, and building a set of elements, to use, as the dream elements, you’re building, to help yourself, or you can do this  for others, if they want you to build a dream for them.

An example of this is:

Anne Hathaway




kissing Anne’s hand

in a sci fi environment

dancing in a club

waling in a park

shadows of nude bodies

music playing ” Bolero “

Now, we have ten make a dream elements; we look at them, and see which stand out: 

1. Anne Hathaway ( symbol, not the real woman )

2. theater

3. sci fi environment

4. Bolero

Now, I would start with Anne Hathaway, and go down each element in turn, to see what it says about me, or what I am trying to achieve. 

I go back and look at the remaining elements, but none stand out, so I end the dream analysis, by role playing with background. 

This is one way of making your dream.

Second way, is to simply look around in your environment and pick out ten things that draw your attention, and list them, then look at them for figure or background. 

You might ask- wouldn’t they all be figures, for you chose them out of the environmental objects in the environment your in.

No, for they attract you, but this doesn’t mean they will, when you go to see if the stand out, as figures or not. 

Third way, get a tarot deck, shuffle them, and then spread them out, and pick out ten cards, turn them up, list them, then see which stands ou,t and role play with them, and continue to do this, till none standout, then end by role playing with background. 

Fourth way, close your eyes, turn around, point at something, ten times, then when handed the list, its best to have a lister to write down what you point out. Look at the list; pick out what stands out, and role play with them, then back to the list, to see if anymore stand out, if not, then you end with background, or you continue till none stand out, or you work with all of them, and there is no more, but still use background  as the final symbol interaction, for it stands for you and the environment you’re in. 

May the Microcosmic Force be with You!


About penblade10

In love with a beautiful woman, Spiritual, Writer, Martial Arts, UFOs, computers, life coach,
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